October 18, 2020
Interstate Highway 40 passes through the city of Conway and crosses two of the busiest commuter routes in town: highways 64 and 65. To alleviate inner city congestion and provide better connections between the highways, the Arkansas Department of Transportation (AR DOT) undertook a substantial upgrade of the I-40 which included road widening and interchange work.
Second noise barrier wall for AR DOT in this area
As part of this effort, a new highway noise barrier wall was required to protect nearby residents from increased traffic noise along I-40. AR DOT was already familiar with the performance of our Silent-Protector (Absorptive) product from a previous project in Little Rock, and we were again selected for this 1,300′ installation.
Highway noise wall mounted to concrete barriers
This was also our second AR DOT highway noise barrier wall with Manhattan Road & Bridge as the contractor. We were able to use a similar attachment to mount our wall to the concrete barriers, once we had the approval of the general contractor and the barrier designer. Needless to say, our experience with similar structure-mounted applications was appreciated.
The AIL Sound Walls Team worked very closely with Manhattan and AR DOT to expedite our production to meet the project’s strict construction schedule.
All parties were happy with another quality project from AIL Sound Walls.